
3 min readFeb 21, 2022

Reflecting: A journey to your Higher Self.

Journaling seems like a bullshit way-of-life. I grew up thinking that people who had diaries or journals were often “soft” and failed to have strength to stand up for themselves, hence writing to their journal instead of telling people how they really feel. I HAVE NO IDEA why I ever thought this, but, now, as an adult, I see the importance of writing down your thoughts and reflecting.

Reflecting and journaling are important to mental well-being. Many of the people who I know (who do not journal) are very insensitive and do not know themselves to their fullest ability. Writing, just like writing about any subject, helps the writer discover new and insightful info about said topic. Therefor, journaling is an act of self-discovery. I mean, it is presumed you wouldn’t lie to yourself during the act of writing about your self, because, well, that’s living a false life, no? Writing is an act of discovery, even if it is a shit-hole discovery, it does not diminish the knowledge. To not write is a disservice to one’s self. You fail to explore your own mind, you fail to see and dissect your weaknesses, and you fail to learn from your thoughts, emotions, and actions in all sorts of contexts.

When you are alone, who are you with?

How I like to view it; writing, or reflecting, or journaling, is an act of finding your higher self. An act of understanding yourself, the world, and everything you interact with. Taken from google, the higher self:

“Through the ages, the Higher Self has been given many names: the inner Self, Soul, Christ-consciousness, Beloved, Buddha-nature, and Spirit. Regardless of what we call this fundamental inner Core, it is our deepest, most Divine essence.”

“Essentially, your higher self is the ‘intuitive self’ that always wants the best for you in every situation. It’s like the supportive, unconditionally loving mum on the sidelines of the football match, shaking pom-poms and believing in you, even when you score a goal for the wrong team — she is still cheering.”

My absolute FAVORITE part: “even when you score a goal for the wrong team — she is still cheering.” If you really think of it, life is so silly, it is not meant to be lived by hating one’s self or another person. It is meant to be fun, not critical, and most definitely full of love, laughs, and comfort. Comfort can come in many forms, and it is up to people to find the best ways to comfort others when feelings of madness, anxiety, depression, etc, are in abundance.

you have gifts to give the world. show the world. show the people.

